Friday, November 6, 2009

Full Moon

I took a picture of the full moon last weekend. Little did I know that it would symbolize the kind of week I would have. It is 4:30 on Friday and I do not have the new copies of my book. The latest is that when they ran the books again they got the same result. So they decided to try it on a different printer. The book ended up looking a little different so they called me at noon to come and take a look at it. The new machine ends up treating the pictures in the book a little differently, but I really couldn't see much of a difference. The bigger issue is that the book is still slightly wavy. It is pretty minor, and stacking the books may straighten them out. I'm not sure. I asked Patrick why the proof turned out so perfect, and he has no answer to that. He feels it is because I chose 70 lb paper that there is a problem. Oh sure, blame it on me...the 70 lb paper was used on the proof, for crying out loud!

I told him I would accept the new books if that is the best that can be done. And honestly, I doubt anyone would notice an issue at this point. Plus it's possible they will flatten nicely once they are stacked. In any event, they are much better than the originals. Because the second shift will be the ones trimming the books, I can't get them today. Patrick will meet me at the printers tomorrow morning to pick them up. Ei, yi yi....

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