Danielle Elliott Smith |
As writers and authors we know how terribly important it is that we build our platform prior to publishing our book.
Myhousehistory.net became a reality in 2008 as I was writing my book about researching house history. I like to keep up to speed with all the changes to blogging and social media by attending workshops on the topics. So on Saturday I headed out to St. Charles to attend
Bloggy Bootcamp. Organized by the SITS Girls, Bloggy Bootcamp is a one day blogging and social media conference for women. I attended this event the first time it was held in St. Louis two years ago, and picked up many new tips and met some amazing bloggers. That was also the first time I was introduced to Mirassou wines as they were a conference sponsor and hosted a wine tasting at the end of the meeting. As a self-proclaimed wussie wine drinker, I was ecstatic to find the Moscato wine by Mirassou. It is my go-to wine for everything, and I have introduced many of my family and friends to it. My husband is a fan of the other Mirassou wines as well.
Mirassou Moscato |
When I went to the conference in 2012, I was definitely the oldest woman in the room. A lot of blogging space and attention is given to the mommy bloggers, and while I am a mom I was definitely not anywhere near the same stage of motherhood as the other women in the room. I am an empty nester, but not yet a grandmommy blogger either. But that didn't stop me from getting to know some truly interesting gals with whom I still interact today. You can read a recap of my first Bloggy Bootcamp
As I was driving to St. Charles I had the 70's station on in the car, and it occurred to me that I was listening to music older than most of the ladies I would soon be meeting. That is pretty humbling. But what I noticed immediately upon arrival is that there were a dozen or so older bloggers attending this year. (And I was not the oldest!) In fact, this was a pretty diverse group, including two males. I think it made for a richer conference, with folks commenting from many different perspectives.
Here are my top ten takeaways from Bloggy Bootcamp 2014
1. By the year 2018, 80% of the content we consume will be video. Guess I better get busy on the tutorials I keep saying I am going to make.
2. Google fonts are viewable across all platforms, so use those fonts in your blog posts and websites.
3. eBay.com has free tutorials on taking better pictures. Who knew?
4. If Plan A fails, remember that there are 25 more letters.
5. If you want to some day represent brands, start writing about the brands you love and that matter to you.
6. Look at blogs that are successful and see what they are doing right.
7. Facebook is about being relevant in the moment. Share content other than your own as Facebook loves this.
8. Check out picmonkey.com as a free photo editing site.
9. Call yourself a social influencer, not a blogger.
10. And my favorite? If it is not a "Hell yeah!" then it is a no. We need to be okay with telling people no. Amen.
If you are a blogger or involved in social media at all, I would highly encourage you to check out local or regional conferences. They are a great way to learn new skills and network with other like minded individuals.
Danielle Elliott Smith & me |