The second step is to come up with a name for your company. I spent a lot of time on this as I wanted to make sure it was something I could live with for a long time. Researching name selections on the Internet yielded some interesting suggestions: first and fore
Next I had to go to the Missouri Secretary of State's (SOS) website and check to see if Provenance Publishing LLC was an available name. It was, and so I registered the name with this office and received my Articles of Incorporation. At this point you can decide if you want a logo designed for the company, and you can set up a bank account. Many banks require a Employee Identification Number (EIN) to open an account. You can quickly and easily obtain one online at Many people will also ascertain that their company name is available as a website, and register this domain name right away.
Once I had established the company with the SOS, I had to complete a Business Registration with the Missouri Department of Revenue. This was followed by a Missouri Tax Registration Application. Yessirree, the tax man cometh. Because I will be selling a product, I was required to fill out the Sales and Use Tax Cash Bond and mail it it with a money order to make sure I could take care of my sales tax responsibilities. Once that was received by the state, I was issued a Missouri Tax Identification number.
With my new tax id I was able to complete the Business Personal Property Registration Application for Merchant and/or Manufacturer License for St. Louis County. This will enable me to have a license to sell in St. Louis County. My last step is to stop in at my local City Hall and fill out a business application since I will be doing administrative duties out of my house. Whew! I need to publish more books to make all this worthwhile!
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